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Morocco info

What is the best season for travel in Morocco?

Morocco is perfect for travel all year long! Given the country’s geographic variety, there is always a region where the climate is mild. We can recommend the best destination for you based on the weather and your travel dates.

In winter, you’ll want to head south to the desert. Nights can be chilly but during the day you’ll enjoy the sun and blue skies bereft of clouds. In summer, the Atlantic coast is generally balmy and it is the best season for treks in the Atlas. At over 1800m in altitude freshness is a safe bet! That being said, nothing is stopping you from discovering the Moroccan desert as long as you choose the right accommodation and can adapt to the heat.

Can I head south in the summer?

Nothing stands in the way of exploring Southern Morocco even in July and August as long as you can adapt to the heat and you choose the right accommodation. How to: an afternoon nap in an air-conditioned room or in the shade by the pool, an air conditioned car and a schedule allowing you to take advantage of the more temperate mornings and evenings.

The most important thing is to bring a pair of sunglasses, a hat, or even better a cheiche (nomadic headscarf) and to stay hydrated…You’ll be able to buy bottled quality mineral water everywhere you go in Morocco (Sidi Ali and Sidi Harazem are two popular brands).

One small inconvenience: you’ll have to bring empty bottles back to the city with you as adequate waste handling is still uncertain in rural areas…
The imperial cities should be visited from September to June as the summer months are often torrid, especially in Fes and Marrakech. The heat is dry however, and is bearable as long as you can adapt and stay indoors in the hotter afternoon hours.

Is the desert for everyone?

Unequivocally yes! Southern Morocco is easy to get to and even as you feel totally lost in the Sahara, civilization is never far away! Our bivouacs are organized to be comfortable and well equipped. Our guides are all accredited professionals who are there to support you and insure optimal security. If you’re looking for more sophistication in the desert, try our charming campsites!

How difficult is a hike in the Atlas?

As difficult as you want it to be! There are hikes of every difficulty level so there will certainly be one right for you from breezy strolls to intensive but invigorating treks. All you need to do is ask! Our mountain and desert guides are all officially recognized by the Moroccan Ministry of tourism, and know how to adapt itineraries to suit any walker’s needs. We can even organize your stay in comfortable intimate accommodations and from here you can hike the surrounding area every day at your leisure.

Do I need a local guide?

To go on a walking tour in the mountains and desert, an accredited guide is necessary. And for visits of the medinas of bigger cities they are highly recommended. Especially in Fes and Marrakesh, a guide will enhance your cultural and historic understanding with their knowledge, guide you through the mazes of narrow roads to make sure you don’t miss any of the main attractions and protect you from tourist hassling. A bit of advice: make sure your guide sports the badge that official guides are required to wear and that it is real.

Creepy Crawlies?

Even though nobody likes them, the risk of running into vipers, scorpions and other scary creatures is minimal. In the winter in the Sahara they are asleep waiting for the heat, and in the Atlas, they can not stand the cold winters. If an encounter does happen, we have the pharmaceutical implements necessary to deal with it.

But, just to be sure, it’s best to follow these simple rules while staying in the Sahara:
> Do not walk around barefoot.
> Don’t leave your clothes or shoes outdoors for the night (and if you do, make sure to give them a good shake before putting them on in the morning!)
> Only unravel your sleeping bag right before getting in it.
> Set up your bivouac for the night far from bushes and rock piles.
> Lift rocks and pebbles with caution!

When to go hiking?

You can go hiking all year long. Morocco is an ideal country whose landscapes and climate lend themselves well to the sport. From May to September head to the Atlas. The rest of the year, the Sahara is your oyster! In any case, we won’t organize a trek in poor conditions, either because of the heat (Sahara) or the cold (Atlas).

We want to ski, ride horses, mountain bike, play golf, go quad biking?

No problem! We can organise almost any activity for you. Even if you don’t see something offered on our site, we can help put your plans in action…we especially like handing the crazy ones! Contact us!

What about Moroccan food?

Its delicious of course!
Moroccan cuisine is known throughout the word: meat tagines, vegetables, couscous, gazelle horns and other pastries are cooked both at home and in fancy restaurants! And what is there to say about Moroccan mint tea, more of a symbol of goodwill and sharing than a drink!
Fes is the Morocco’s culinary capital: it’s where you’ll find the best traditional recipes: almond and pigeon pastillas, dried apricot or prune tagines…
Test out the wonderful street food: snails, bissara (fava bean soup), or barley soup are perfect for satisfying little hungers while exploring the medina.

Can you see everything in Morocco?

Yes, almost…the only sites off limits to visitors are places of worship. Hubert Lyautey, Marshal of France at the time of its protectorate, forbade access to mosques and places of worship to non-Muslims. This rule has remained in place since.
There is one exception, and not a small one! The spectacular Hassan II mosque in Casablanca should not be missed! You should meanwhile avoid holy days (Fridays) and religious ceremonies (ramadan, Eid al-Adha, etc)

Can we learn to prepare Moroccan food?

Many riads now offer culinary workshops to their clients. Traditional cooks affectionately called “dadas” are eager to share their know-how with travellers. You may yet have the pleasure of feasting upon the product of your own labours and sharing it with your loved ones!
We can reserve a cooking class for you in a stunning setting in the medina.

How to haggle in Morocco ?

Bartering is an art practiced by all Moroccans with no exceptions! At first a little mind boggling for foreigners, it is essential for shoppping in the souks…
The Golden Rule: never go over the price you are willing to pay. The first price is always given by the merchant based on his first impression of you and what you’ll be able to afford!
Assigning a standard fair price is difficult without regional context. To help, here is an idea of reasonable prices (varying depending on quality, the material, the workmanship…):
> Babouches (oriental slippers): from 70 to 200 dhs.
> Jewellery: will depend on the weight and market trends.
> Rugs: from 700 dhs to 2000 dhs per square metre.
> Spices : from 30 dhs (paprika) to 50/60 dhs per kilogram (cumin, cinnamon, ginger). The most expensive: saffron (10 dhs per gram) and the mix Ras El hanout (150 dhs per kilogram).

What should I bring back from Morocco?

The range and quality of Moroccan handicrafts are incredible.

The best rule to follow is to always buy artisanal objects in the place where it is made. Forget about the Argan oil in a “cooperative” in the Atlas for example…it is well-known that argan trees only grow along the Atlantic coast from Essaouira to Agadir.

The most beautiful copper comes from Fes, thuja is sculpted in Essaouira, the best babouches (oriental slippers) are in Fes and Marrakech. Silver working is the speciality of Tiznit and Essaouira. Marrakech is where you’ll find the most fragrant spices. When it comes to rugs, the finest are from Rabat. In Marrakech, however, you will find beautiful Kilims.

Do I need a passport or identity card?

Identity cards are not valid for entry into Morocco. A passport is required to enter Morocco. This applies to all citizens of the Schengen area.

If you are a citizen of another country, even if you are a resident of one of the Schengen countries, we advise you to contact the Moroccan embassy in your country for up-to-date information on entry requirements for Morocco.

If there’s one thing you should remember from all our advice on traveling to Morocco, it’s to check the validity date of your passport…

How do I register with Morocco like a local?

Are you interested in Morocco and planning a trip to this magical country? Then visit the Morocco like a local website to discover the different programs we offer. Don’t worry… we’re a local agency offering tailor-made trips, and all the tours we propose on our site can be modified as much as you like!

Want to know more about your project or are you interested in one of our programs? Click on “Request Quote” or use our contact form. You can also contact us by phone. When you make your request, don’t hesitate to give us as many details as possible: how you like to travel, your habits, your expectations, your wishes… all this information will help us to better respond to your request.

Your agent will then open a personal space for you to receive an initial detailed proposal and price quote. This space is your main interface with your consultant. Here you can give your feedback on the 1st program sent to you. Don’t hesitate to share your comments, doubts and questions. This will be followed by a 2nd, 3rd and maybe even 4th proposal to finally arrive at the program you’ve always wanted.

Would you like to confirm your reservation? Then log in to your personal space and proceed to pay online with your credit card. This 100% secure transaction will confirm your trip! Feel free to download or print all the documents available in your personal space: programs, terms and conditions, travel insurance, registration form, invoice and other useful documents for your trip.

We’re here to support you throughout the preparation of your trip, and to help you lighten the burden of organization, which can sometimes prove tedious. Morocco like a local offers you simplicity, speed and efficiency!

What about during the trip?

During your stay in Morocco, you will have a phone number where you can reach us 7 days a week. If you lose your vouchers, please contact us as soon as possible on the emergency number. If a service does not correspond to what you have purchased, please notify us as soon as possible on the emergency number so that we can contact our supplier. If you wish, we will also be happy to meet you at our offices in Marrakech, before or after your trip, to collect your comments.

You can be sure that we’ll be at your side, discreetly but effectively, for the duration of your stay in Morocco!

After the trip…

We’re counting on you to help us improve our services. So don’t hesitate to send us your comments. If they’re critical, we’ll take them very seriously and offer you fair compensation. And we’ve got a Facebook page waiting for your photos!

How much does it cost to cancel a trip?

In the event of cancellation, the following terms and conditions will apply:

– More than 60 days before departure date: 35% of the total price of the trip, including taxes
– 60 to 31 days before departure date: 40% of the total price of the trip including tax
– 30 to 14 days before departure date: 45% of the total price of the trip including taxes
– 13 to 7 days prior to departure date: 50% of the total price of the trip including taxes
– Less than 7 days before departure date: 60% of the total price of the trip including taxes

Please note that in case of force majeure (international situation, political situation, severe weather, etc.) we will do our best to limit or even cancel these costs.

We offer you the possibility to buy a cancellation insurance. This insurance allows you to cover any cancellation costs.

Is online payment on the site perfectly secure?

Most local agencies in Morocco require payment by international bank transfer. This usually involves a lot of paperwork with your bank, and often high issuing and exchange fees.

To avoid all this, we have decided to offer you a totally secure online payment system, thanks to the dual Paybox and 3D Secure systems. So you can pay by credit card directly on our website, in Euros!

Learn more about online payment.

Be serene, be assured

Morocco like a local offers you travel insurance to ensure that your trip goes smoothly. All you have to do is check the yes or no box when you register from your customer area. If you check yes, the insurance covers all the participants of the trip. The insurance is the guarantee of a worry-free trip to Morocco. Of course, you have the right to decide whether or not to take out insurance.

To learn more about the travel insurance we offer, click here!

Ramadan in Morocco

Not just a formality, but an essential part of life in Morocco. Don’t hesitate to ask your advisor or find out in advance when Ramadan is. Ramadan is observed by all Moroccan Muslims. The basic rules are simple: no eating, drinking or smoking from sunrise to sunset. During this period of fasting, out of respect for the population, you should avoid eating, drinking and smoking in public. Modest dress is recommended during this holy month, as short outfits are not permitted.

During Ramadan, the daily rhythm is a little different: people often stay up most of the night and get up quite late. The day slows down until mid-afternoon, when housewives invade the souk stalls to buy all the ingredients they need to prepare their evening meals…

When Ramadan takes place during the hottest time of the year, you can expect a further slowdown in activity during the day, especially in Marrakech or Fez. An hour before sunset, the cities are suddenly deserted… all the inhabitants return to their homes to prepare for the breaking of the fast. This is the first meal of the day, or “Ftour”: the fast is broken with a rich soup of lentils, meat, tomato, coriander (harira) & its chebakiyas (jagged honey cakes), hard-boiled eggs, fruit juice, milk and dates.

The real dinner comes a few hours later: mixed salads, tagines, dessert, etc…

After this gala dinner, life returns to normal: the locals invade the gardens and café terraces with their families, to share and enjoy the cool night air. The atmosphere is very festive…

What impact does this have on foreign visitors?

Souks, like most shops, open later… but also close later…

There’s a palpable nervousness in the air… due to lack of sleep, lack of hydration… and for smokers, lack of nicotine! Some terraces are non-alcoholic, especially in Essaouira, which is more traditional than Marrakech!

In general, tourists, the majority of whom are not Muslim, are not subject to any restrictions: they can eat and drink normally. In the hotels, there’s no noticeable change… except perhaps a sluggish service… understandable, given the ambient heat.

Some hotels even offer their guests the traditional “ftour”: ideal for a typical dinner!

Otherwise, there’s nothing better than breaking the fast with Moroccans in a small café: tea, harira, chebakiya, hard-boiled eggs… very convivial!

Site Security

When you’re hiking, the ecological balance of the regions you pass through is very fragile. The passage of tourists, even in small groups, inevitably disturbs it. Everyone is responsible for the cleanliness and condition of the places they pass through and where they camp. The fight against pollution must be everyone’s business. Even if you notice that some sites are already polluted, we urge you to pick up all your papers, tissues, boxes, etc.

In general, we ask that you follow these simple rules:
> Use water sparingly.
> Never contaminate water from wells or springs.
> During bivouacs, a garbage can will be placed every evening. You can dispose of all degradable waste in it. It will be incinerated. All other waste (plastic, iron and glass) must be taken back to your starting point.> Take toxic waste home with you (batteries, aerosols, batteries, tubes of cream, etc.).> Manage your toilet by burning toilet paper when you’re in the wild.

Morocco’s currency is the dirham. There are no restrictions on currency imports, but exports are prohibited. Currency exchange on site. Exchange rate: 1 € = about 11 DH. Exchange rates are virtually the same everywhere and there is no black market. You’ll find ATMs in all major cities where you can get cash with your credit card.

What are the conditions for renting a vehicle?

> Presentation of credit card for deposit.
> Driving license more than 2 years old.
> Minimum age 21 years.

If you need a car seat for your child or baby, please let us know at the time of booking.

Is a 4×4 essential for southern Morocco?

No, there are some excellent paved roads to discover southern Morocco and the Sahara. Be it south of Ouarzazate or Agadir. However, a 4×4 will allow you to get off the roads and onto the tracks to reach our charming camps. Silence and privacy have to be earned…

What is the state of the road network?

Morocco’s road network is improving every year. Government investment has been very substantial in recent years: the highway network is expanding and it is now quick and easy to connect the major cities. These highways are not free, but their cost is very reasonable compared to those in Europe.

Example: Marrakech – Casablanca: 67 dhs (about 6 euros)

Even a large part of the south becomes accessible with a two-wheel drive vehicle. Only the Atlas Mountains are still difficult to access. All the more reason to discover them on foot!
The signposts are in Latin and Arabic and are well installed. So it’s hard not to get lost… especially if you have a GPS.
The inland roads are only open from mid-June (sometimes later) and a 4×4 is essential to use them.
The speed limit on paved roads is 90km/h. But always adapt your speed to the road conditions: snow and ice in winter, visibility, strong winds, lack of shoulders, single-lane bridges, potholes, animals on the roadside, fords, winding roads, etc. On highways, the maximum speed limit is 120 km/h.

In cities, the speed limit is generally 60km/h.

How do I take a taxi?

There are two types of taxis in Morocco:
> “Small” city taxis that can carry a maximum of 3 passengers. You’ll find them everywhere in the city. They are easy to identify: each city has its own color (beige in Marrakech, red in Agadir, blue in Essaouira, etc.). The price depends on the meter (ask for it, be firm…): from 6 dhs to 15dhs on average. From 20:00, the price increases.
> The “large” taxis are reserved for intercity transfers, outside the built-up areas. They are often Mercedes with the same imposed color code (beige in Marrakech, red in Agadir, blue in Essaouira, etc.). They can carry up to 6 passengers… yes, yes… and have no speedometer! Obligatory negotiation before entering the vehicle.

Are we talking about security in Morocco?

Morocco is a safe place for family vacations, couples, friends, solo travelers… Tourism is one of the country’s main activities and foreigners are welcome everywhere. The roads are in very good condition, but you should always be vigilant at the wheel, given the traffic and weather conditions.

In everyday life, follow the usual rules: wash your hands frequently, eat hot, cooked food and drink only with a lid. Don’t swim in lakes or rivers.

As for viper bites and scorpion stings, these are practically non-existent in the Moroccan Sahara in winter.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Riads, guesthouses, camps… what’s the difference?

Morocco offers the full range of accommodations, from small mountain inns to 5-star hotels. We prefer smaller accommodations to the large chain hotels often found on the outskirts of cities. There’s something for every taste and budget:
> Riad: A riad is a charming guesthouse located in a house in the historic center of the city, in the medina. The word “riad” refers to a garden. By extension, it’s a house built around a garden. Each owner adds a personal touch to the layout and decoration. We offer riads in most major cities with a medina. And there are riads to suit all budgets. From simple to luxurious. From €30 to €150 per person per night.
> Charming desert camps: Discover the desert and live in it without compromising on comfort. We’ve set up our three nomad camps in southern Morocco to give you an authentic desert experience. Caidal tents set up in the wilderness, with beds, sanitary facilities, food and quality service. Camel trekking, camel trekking and mountain biking available depending on the camp. From €70 to €150 per person per night.
> In October: Moussem des Dattes in Erfoud. The date harvest is the occasion to celebrate with family and friends a grandiose and colorful festival!
> Guest houses and inns: These are usually located on the outskirts of towns, but can also be found in the middle of nowhere, especially in the south and in the Atlas mountains. Most of these recently built accommodations offer modern comforts and a wide range of services, including swimming pools and hammams. All directly managed by their owners. From €20 to €100 per person per night.

What are bivouacs like in the Atlas mountains and the desert?

Bivouacs can be simple, comfortable or charming. Our teams adapt to each person’s wishes, and above all to the level of comfort required:
> The simplest bivouac is often an itinerant one, which means it’s easy to assemble and dismantle. Don’t worry, your guide and the Berber team will help you set up your tent if necessary. Every evening, igloo tents (Ferrino brand) are pitched close to the kitchen tent and mess tent, where meals are served. Mats and carpets provide comfort, and lanterns add to the atmosphere! Toilet facilities are basic and amenities rustic. What’s most important on this type of trip is meeting the local people, enjoying the panoramic views, the nature walks and the complicity with the Berber teams (guide, cook, camel drivers and/or muleteers).

A more comfortable bivouac: can be set up at your chosen location for 1 to 3 nights. Here, the teams are just as competent and friendly, but the decor is more refined: Canadian tents in unbleached canvas, real beds with quality linen, real plates and cutlery, chemical toilets and a hammam-style shower with hot water. An “out of Africa” atmosphere guaranteed! We have selected exceptional locations for these camps: secret Atlantic beaches, between sand and mineral in the Saghro, anything is possible as long as the site is spectacular and, above all, uncrowded.
> Last but not least, our charming fixed camps welcome you to 3 exceptional locations in southern Morocco: set up for 6 months, from October to April, they are of course more comfortable, and dedicated to travelers who love authenticity, but are also sensitive to quality service.

Is it possible to go to the desert in comfortable conditions?

If you want to go to the desert and don’t like the idea of bivouacking in a tent or sleeping under the stars, you can take advantage of our charming camps. All three are located in the desert, so you can enjoy all the comforts of home while experiencing the wonders of the desert. Caïdal tents with beds, sanitary facilities, supervision, catering and quality service ….

Or consider a lighter but equally comfortable option, our exclusive private camp. An opportunity to combine luxury and the desert!

Is it possible to stay in mountain inns?

Yes, over the last few years a number of quality inns have sprung up right in the heart of the magnificent Atlas Mountains. We can also offer you homestays in a mountain village, for an authentic encounter with a Berber family. It’s much more rustic, of course, but ideal for rediscovering a taste for the simple but essential!

Hammam, how to use it…

Every Moroccan, whether they live in the city or not, goes to the local hammam at least once a week. It’s an unchangeable ritual. You wash, relax, get a massage, exchange news, laugh a lot, sometimes argue… In short, it’s much more than a communal bath.

The traditional hammam consists of 3 common rooms: 1 cold, 1 warm and one hot. There are hours for women (usually in the morning) and hours for men (usually in the evening). You come equipped with your toiletries: mat, bucket, scrubbing glove, sandals, black soap, ghassoul (clay), henna, etc.

The ritual can last 3 to 4 hours… and you’ll leave feeling like a baby, very relaxed and pampered. Most luxury hotels and riads offer their own “chic” version of the hammam. More sophisticated, they take their inspiration from traditional bathing rituals: scrubbing with black soap, massages with essential oils… in a hushed, refined atmosphere. Unlike the traditional hammam, you can come as a couple. A must-try!

How do you wash up while hiking?

Apart from the conveniences of the hotel on the outward and return journeys, washing up in the deserts requires the right attitude. A baby potty can be useful on certain evenings when there’s no water. Other bivouacs take place near wells or springs. This water must remain pure, because the nomads drink it… and you drink it. Your guide will draw it for you and you will transfer it to your canteen. Don’t forget the purifier. You’ll also need to get away from the watering hole to wash up. In fact, you’ll soon realize that you don’t need 10 liters to wash yourself, and that with the help of a washcloth, you can be very thrifty.

How to behave when hiking?

In the Atlas mountains and the desert, in order to respect the dignity of the people you meet, we ask you to respect the following rules:
> Give any gifts (clothes, school supplies, etc.) to your guide. He will distribute them himself.
> Do not take photographs of local people without their permission or that of your guide. > Do not give sweets or gadgets directly to children.
> Dispose of all rubbish in the rubbish bags provided.
> Tea is a ceremonial event and you must see it through to the end.
> As a general rule, remove your shoes before entering a room. Especially if you see them laid out near the door.
> Women in particular should avoid wearing provocative clothing.
> If you’re invited to a family meal, wait until the host has said “Bismillah” (Praise to God). You eat with your right hand and taste everything without feeling obliged to finish your plate.
> During Ramadan, avoid drinking, eating and smoking in public during the day.

Telephone, internet, GPS?

Phone coverage is almost total over all of Morocco even in the Atlas’ most isolated valleys. Even the service in the Saharan zone is growing every day.
Most city accommodations offer solid Wi-Fi connections.
GPS coverage in Morocco is expanding gradually. It will help you get around the roads of great open spaces, but don’t count on it to find your way in Fes’ medina!

What about Moroccan cuisine?

We love it!
Moroccan cuisine is now world-famous: meat and vegetable tagines, sweet and savoury tagines, couscous, gazelle horns and other Moroccan pastries are all traditional dishes cooked at home or in the best restaurants. Mint tea is more than just a drink, it’s a symbol of welcome!
Fez is the stronghold of Moroccan gastronomy: here you’ll find the best traditional recipes: pastilla with pigeon and almonds, tagines with dried apricots and prunes…
You can also try popular street food: snails, bissara (broad bean soup), barley soup, for those who are a little hungry in the medina.

Is it possible to learn Moroccan cuisine?

Many riads now offer cooking workshops for their guests. Traditional cooks, known as “dadas”, are willing to pass on their know-how to visiting guests. You’ll have the pleasure of tasting your own creations and sharing them with others – why not?
We can book these cooking workshops for you at one of the riads in our selection.

Do we eat well on our treks?

We do our best to provide you with a varied, tasty, balanced and healthy Moroccan diet. Moroccan diet.
> Breakfast: cereals, bread, jam, milk, black tea, mint tea, coffee, chocolate.
> Lunch: mixed cooked salads or vegetable ratatouille, cooked cheese, seasonal fruit, mint tea.
> Dinner: Moroccan soup, hot tagine or couscous, or a pasta dish + dessert, verbena, herbal tea.
> Snack/dessert: pancakes, apple fritters, seasonal fruit salad, cinnamon oranges, dates, rice pudding.
> Water: The water used during the trip is drinking water from wells. There is little risk in drinking it. However, it is advisable to bring water purification tablets, such as Micropur, if the wells are not in good condition. This water is for cooking and drinking.

In the Atlas, the water is excellent. As a precaution, you can add pastilles before drinking. Mint tea, served according to an ancestral ritual, will give rhythm to your stay.

Do you have any restaurant and travel tips?

Yes, in your travel diary you’ll find a list of restaurants and good deals that we recommend. By recommending Maroc en Direct, you’ll also benefit from the best welcome anywhere.

Don’t hesitate to ask! As we are on the spot, we regularly test new and old addresses… So our reviews are reliable and above all up to date.

How to haggle in Morocco

Bargaining is an art practiced by all Moroccans without exception! A little confusing for Westerners, it’s a must in the souks…
A basic principle: don’t exceed the price you’re willing to pay. The basic price is always given by the merchant “at the customer’s head”!
Evaluating the right price is difficult without a local reference. To help you, here’s a small idea of reasonable prices (varying according to quality, material used, amount of work):
– slippers: from 70 to 200 dhs
– Jewelry: according to weight, and daily price.
– Carpets: from 700 dhs to 2000 dhs per m².
– Spices: from 30 dhs (paprika) to 50/60 dhs per kilo (cumin, cinnamon, ginger). Most expensive: saffron (10 dhs per gram) and Ras El hanout blend (150 dhs per kilo).

What to bring from Morocco

Moroccan craftwork is very rich. The best advice is to buy them where they are made. Forget, for example, the argan oil sold by a so-called cooperative in the Atlas mountains… a misconception when you know that argan trees only grow on the Atlantic coast, from Essaouira to Agadir.
The finest copper is made in Fès, cedar wood is carved in Essaouira, and the most beautiful babouches are made in Fès and Marrakech. Silverwork is a speciality of Tiznit and Essaouira. The most fragrant spices are found in Marrakech. As for carpets, the richest come from Rabat. You’ll find beautiful kilims in Marrakech.

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